Latest Stories
January 16, 2018
Video: Nikole Hannah-Jones on journalism and rage
Watch this #Story17 video in which award-winning investigative reporter Nikole Hannah-Jones spoke about rage, Charlottesville, 400 years of racism in the US, and how we educate our children.
December 11, 2017
The #Story17 aftermovie is here!
Take a look at the #Story17 aftermovie revisiting all the incredible moments we've shared this year at the festival events and the conference, and all the valuable lessons we've learned.
Lateral Recommends:
13 takeaways from #Story16
What we learned at the sixth edition of The Power of Storytelling.
Takeaways from #Story15: Day 2
Check out the main highlights from Day 2 of The Power of Storytelling.
Takeaways from #Story15: Day 1
Here’s what we learned on the first day of The Power of Storytelling conference.
October 16, 2015

Story Map
October 15, 2015

Takeaways from #Story15: Cluj edition
October 7, 2015

Behind the scenes of #Story15
October 1, 2015

Get ready for #Story15
October 1, 2015

Supporter stories: Inside Lateral’s creative process
September 30, 2015

Supporter Stories: Finding the story in the mundane
September 28, 2015

Five reasons you should come to The Power of Storytelling in Cluj
September 27, 2015

Supporter stories: Family reunion
September 22, 2015