Latest Stories
January 16, 2018
Video: Nikole Hannah-Jones on journalism and rage
Watch this #Story17 video in which award-winning investigative reporter Nikole Hannah-Jones spoke about rage, Charlottesville, 400 years of racism in the US, and how we educate our children.
December 11, 2017
The #Story17 aftermovie is here!
Take a look at the #Story17 aftermovie revisiting all the incredible moments we've shared this year at the festival events and the conference, and all the valuable lessons we've learned.
Lateral Recommends:
13 takeaways from #Story16
What we learned at the sixth edition of The Power of Storytelling.
Takeaways from #Story15: Day 2
Check out the main highlights from Day 2 of The Power of Storytelling.
Takeaways from #Story15: Day 1
Here’s what we learned on the first day of The Power of Storytelling conference.
August 2, 2016

Wendy MacNaughton on using drawings and words to convey human emotion
July 31, 2016

Dvora Meyers on writing about your passion
July 25, 2016

Brian Lindstrom on building intimacy with the subjects of his films
July 21, 2016

Caroline Paul on living and writing about a life of adventures
July 17, 2016

Colin Meloy on creating music and performing on stage
July 9, 2016

Cheryl Strayed on fear, hiking alone and writing a bestselling book about the experience
July 4, 2016

David Sedaris: “Keeping a diary helps somehow tame the world around me”
June 27, 2016

Carson Ellis on her creative process and her advice to young artists
June 23, 2016