Latest Stories
January 16, 2018
Video: Nikole Hannah-Jones on journalism and rage
Watch this #Story17 video in which award-winning investigative reporter Nikole Hannah-Jones spoke about rage, Charlottesville, 400 years of racism in the US, and how we educate our children.
December 11, 2017
The #Story17 aftermovie is here!
Take a look at the #Story17 aftermovie revisiting all the incredible moments we've shared this year at the festival events and the conference, and all the valuable lessons we've learned.
Lateral Recommends:
13 takeaways from #Story16
What we learned at the sixth edition of The Power of Storytelling.
Takeaways from #Story15: Day 2
Check out the main highlights from Day 2 of The Power of Storytelling.
Takeaways from #Story15: Day 1
Here’s what we learned on the first day of The Power of Storytelling conference.
July 1, 2015

Wendy MacNaughton on drawing people’s stories
June 30, 2015

10 storytelling tips from past editions
June 20, 2015

New speakers confirmed
June 15, 2015

Reading list: Laurie Hertzel
June 2, 2015

Daan Louter on digital storytelling and the reader as the user
May 8, 2015

Announcing 2015 speakers
April 19, 2015

Takeaways from the Conference
April 6, 2015